
BedWinner grew out of an ordinary conversation that I was having with my girlfriends way back when. I realized how little they knew about bedding. And I was no different. Then and there I made a decision to dive into the sea of sheets and duvet covers and bed quilts and much more. There’s still so much to discover. And while I’m on that journey, I want to share what I’ve found.

More than anything, BedWinner is here to help you find bedding that works best for you. It doesn’t have to be the same thing that your Mom, your best friend, your neighbor, or even Ryan Reynolds would pick. Your home is unlike any other. Your needs are different from others’ needs. And that’s what BedWinner aims to cater to – Your needs.

What you’ll find here is an overview of different fabrics, their benefits and shortcomings. You’ll learn about thread count and what to consider when buying bamboo sheets. I have also piled together the best quality bedding products available on Amazon. It’s a jungle out there and I just want to make it a bit easier for you. Quality is most important, but I’ve also kept an eye on the price tag, to be sure that you won’t be left with empty pockets.

BedWinner is an Amazon Affiliate and you can see the disclosure at the bottom of each page. What this means is that if you buy something from this site, a small commission might come my way. Don’t worry, this doesn’t stock up the price for you. And it doesn’t affect my honesty when writing. I will not praise something that I do not consider worthy of praise. Of course I will be happy if you decide to buy a quality linen sheet or a beautiful Christmas bed quilt through BedWinner. But more than that, I want you to be mindful of what is out there. To know what is good for your body, good for your mind, and what will ultimately help you get a wholesome and refreshing sleep.

About The Author

My interest in bedding is not entirely random. It comes from my own struggle with sleep. It’s so common these days and I decided to really tackle it more seriously some years back.

It sometimes astonishes me how little attention is paid to sleep and its benefits. Though we’re at a much better place since Matthew Walker published his book “Why We Sleep”. Sleep is one of the foundations of our well-being, be it mental or physical. Daylight savings time illustrates this well. Anyone living in the northern hemisphere comes in contact with this twice a year. In spring the clock is set forward one hour. As a result, we get 1 hour less sleep. And as a more tragic result, the upcoming Monday there is a 24% spike in heart attacks. Come fall, the clock is returned to standard time and we enjoy one extra hour of that sweet slumber. The result of this is a 21% drop of heart attacks the following day. One hour doesn’t seem much but for some it is a matter of life and death.

To combat my own sleepless nights, I learnt more about sleep and how to help myself. Among other things I started meditating and developed a good sleep hygiene. Next, I started thinking about my surroundings while sleeping. Like the temperature in the room, the brightness, the sounds, and also the beds that I was sleeping on. Some of this was easy to understand, but I realized that I knew absolutely nothing about bedding. The bedding I used was gifted to me by my parents years ago. They were good quality sheets and I never had any trouble with them. But I wasn’t even sure what fabric it was!

I’m glad I started digging deeper. It’s made me become aware of pitfalls to avoid and of the good stuff to keep an eye out for. Hopefully, you can take some of that knowledge with you and find what works best for you.